1. Activity Streams

    File format

    Activity Streams is an open format specification for activity stream protocols, which are used to syndicate activities taken in social web applications and services, similar to those in Facebook's, Instagram's, and Twitter's. The standard provides a general way to represent activities. For instance, the sentence "Jack added Hawaii to his list of places to visit" would be represented in ActivityStreams as actor:jack, verb:add, object:Hawaii, target:placestovisit. Implementors of the Activity Streams draft include Gnip, Stream, Stream Framework, and Pump.io. The largest open source library is Stream Framework, the authors of Stream Framework also run getstream.io. In addition there is a trend of SOA where third parties power this type of functionality. GeoSPARQL provides OWL and RDFS alignments to the Activity Streams Vocabulary. Wikipedia

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  2. Activity Streams 2.0 documents can (and likely will) contain potentially sensitive personal information such as identity, contact information, physical location, physical characteristics, and so forth. Furthermore, Activity data, in general, can be analyzed to generate profiles of the behavior of individual or groups of Actors. ...
  3. w3c.github.io

    Activity Streams 2.0 (AS2) is a social data format. Its types represent activities, content objects, and actors like people or groups on the social web. It is an extensible format; the Activity Vocabulary provides a structure for social applications, but more focused or innovative objects can be represented in AS2 by extending the vocabulary.
  4. en.wikipedia.org

    The Activity Streams project, for example, is an effort to develop an activity stream protocol to syndicate activities across social web applications. [2] Several major websites with activity stream implementations have already opened up their activity streams to developers to use, including Facebook and MySpace. [3] [4]
  5. en.wikipedia.org

    Activity Streams is an open format specification for activity stream protocols, which are used to syndicate activities taken in social web applications and services, similar to those in Facebook's, Instagram's, and Twitter's. [1]Components of Activity Streams. The standard provides a general way to represent activities. For instance, the sentence "Jack added Hawaii to his list of places to ...
  6. Sep 17, 2024Big "A" Activity Streams : is a data format for encoding and transferring activity/event metadata. The first version of the specification was published in 2011 by the independent Activity Streams Working Group and is based on extending Atom. The current (2.0+) version of the spec is JSON-based. ...
  7. activitystrea.ms



    Audience Targeting for JSON Activity Streams; Responses for Activity Streams; Draft: Verb Definitions for Activity Streams; Draft: Priority Extension for Activity Streams. Atom Activity Streams 1.0; Community: Join the mailing list; Contribute to the wiki; GitHub Repository; Archive: Atom Media. The Activity Streams format has already been ...
  8. The Activity Streams 2.0 Core Syntax defines the JSON syntax for Activity Streams. This document defines the vocabulary properties. The Activity Streams 2.0 Vocabulary defines a set of abstract types and properties that describe past, present and future Activities. The vocabulary is defined in two parts:
  9. microformats.org

    If activity streams were published in an open standard format then activity stream aggregators that supported such an open format would automatically support any new standards supporting activity stream services without having to play the continuous one-off proprietary API implementation catch-up game. In addition, new activity publishers would ...
  10. Activity Streams 2.0 (AS2) is a social data format. Its types represent activities, content objects, and actors like people or groups on the social web. It is an extensible format; the Activity Vocabulary provides a structure for social applications, but more focused or innovative objects can be represented in AS2 by extending the vocabulary.
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